Olang Boots
Skiing, snowboarding, tobogganing, skating, tubbing or even building a snowman are fun ways to enjoy the great outdoors this season. It’s the perfect way to stay active during the long, cold winter months. Not having the correct footwear can lead to some serious problems though, and I should know.
A few years ago, friends and I went tubbing and what started off as a fun evening, quickly made a turn for the worse. Even though I thought I had on the correct footwear, that didn’t stop me from landing face first on the ice. They hadn’t placed the slip mats down on the hill yet and as I made my way to the top, I lost my balance and went down…went down hard. In fear of losing my tub, I held on tightly to the stings. Of course, this means my hands were tied up, not allowing me to break my fall. I ended up face down on the ice.
Instead of being a nice hubby and helping me up, Derek kept yelling “get up, people are looking at us”. Who cares about your poor wife who just did a face plant, all that matters are the people that are looking at us. That wasn’t going to stop me from having fun, I’m one tough cookie, and managed to have an amazing evening with friends. Needless to say, I was on the hunt for a pair of new winter boots that were made for outdoor fun.
It’s no wonder Olang boots are recognized as experts in the Canadian winter footwear department. Not only are these boots completely waterproof, keeping my feet completely dry, it features a breathable insulated lining that helps keep my feet toasty warm no matter the weather conditions. Running around in the snow in 30°C temperatures isn’t a problem in these. It’s unique Italian sole design contains 16 stainless steel spikes on the bottom along with an OC two positions rotating system to help increase grip on both the snow and ice. This flexible sole allows me to take part in all the fun winter activities without having to worry about my butt hitting the ice. Safety, comfort and style all rolled into one sleek boot. Olang boots are made for hash Canadian winters.
What I Wore- Sweater- c/o Zaful, Winter Coat- H&M, Purse- Michael Kors, Celine Sunglangasses- c/o Smart Buy Glasses, Necklace- c/o Pearls for Girls, Jeans- Levis, Boots- c/o Olang