Experience the great outdoors this season
Now that the warmer weather is finally here, I’m starting to enjoy the outdoors. I hate being cold, so I’m usually cooped up inside all winter and once May hits, I’m itching to get outside. As I start to discover the wonders of nature, little problems arise. From long walks in the woods, to picnics in the park, I often end up with little scratches, heat rashes and those pesky mosquitos’ bites. I hate applying unnatural products to my skin anytime I have an issue, which is why I’ve been experimenting with aromatherapy oils. These are free of chemicals, artificial scents and just all around better for your skin and overall health.
Lotus Aroma Essential Oils are all natural oils designed for both the face, body and home. They go to great lengths to ensure that each one of their products are made with the highest ingredients and purest essential oils possible. This Quebec based business is proud to offer products with active ingredients that are entirely plant origin and up to 50% organic and only use recyclable packaging and boxes.
Tea Tree oil is something I’ve used for years to clear up breakouts and annoying blemishes, but never have I applied it to minor cuts and scrapes. Lotus Aroma Tea Tree Essential Oil will instantly heal and relieve any cuts, irritation and infection you may encounter this summer. Simply soak a cotton pad with 2 to 3 drops and apply directly to desired area. It also works wonders on insect bites, sunburns, rashes, skin irritations and warts. It does have a strong herbal scent that takes some time to get used to, but the results you see from only a drop is well worth it. It retails for $17 for 15ml.
No more buying bug spray and silly citronella candles that simply don’t work, Ceylon is the world’s most popular citronella and is your new best friend for those hot, humid summer months. Lotus Aroma Ceylon Citronella Essential Oil will act as your bug and insect repellent as insects and bugs cannot tolerate the scent. Simply rub a few drops onto the skin or add 3 to 4 drops to your sun screen or body lotion or even use it as a deodorant. Not only will it keep the bugs away, it also doubles as an excellent anti-infective, anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory, which is great when you’re embracing the outdoors this summer. It has a light and almost refreshing, mild and soft lemon and citrus scent with a subtle woody undertone. It retails for $12 for 15ml.
Although many of us associate lavender with its relaxing and soothing properties, it can also be used to relieve and heal severe burns and wasp stings. Lotus Aroma Spike Lavender Essential Oil is also perfect on those extremely hot days when we’ve soaked up too much sun and experience a nasty heat rash. Just apply a drop or two directly onto the skin and rub it in. It has a fresh, leafy green scent that almost reminds me of a mix of rosemary and eucalyptus, with just a slight hint of the traditional lavender scent. It retails for $18 for 15ml.