I’ve talked about it before, but living in a somewhat new area comes with its ups and down, let’s not even talk about the heavy construction in the summer (we all remember those unflattering background photos), but in the winter my street becomes a huge wind tunnel, making it next to impossible to get pictures. You add the snow on top of the wind, and I ask myself, why I’m taking photos out in this awful weather to begin with? Sure people would say, why don’t you go downtown or somewhere “less” windy and cold, but the truth of the matter is, I wake my husband up out of a dead sleep most days (he works midnights) to take my pictures, so the thought of asking him to get into his car and drive somewhere to take “better” photos seem…… somewhat mean? Anyways its one of those days that no matter how long we stood outside the wind wasn’t giving up, so today it’s a messy hair, don’t care kind of day!
Shirt- Smart Set- $25- Sept 2010
Scarf- Smart Set- $20- in stores now
Jacket- Danier- $199- 2008
Purse- Phillip Lim for Target- $55
Jeans- Parasuco- $120
Boots- Aldo- $120- 2010
Loving that plaid scarf + the stripes, doll! Happy Friday!