I’ve talked about my battle with headaches and migraines on the blog before, but for those that are unfamiliar with my story, I’ve had them since the young age of 12. I’ve tried everything from over-the-counter pain relievers to prescription meds, relaxation methods, acupressure, massages, deep breathing exercises and even natural remedies, but nothing seems to work. I’ve tried changing my diet, getting more sleep, learning to become more relaxed and calm, to yoga, running and exercising, and even those don’t work. I’ve come to terms that this is just something I’ll have to live with and that headaches are just a part of my daily life.
That being said, that doesn’t mean I don’t try every single new product to hit the market, in hopes that it will cure, relieve or even ease the pain. I am a little skeptical when it comes to natural remedies, I like to see concrete evidence, based on studies and FDA testing, before I buy into the results, but I’m also a firm believer that certain scents and smells influence how we’re feeling. I’ve heard that peppermint plays a huge role on headaches, so I was excited to test out the Saje Peppermint Halo Wand.
Saje Peppermint Halo Wand is designed to help relieve headache pain with its unique blend of therapeutic essential oils featuring peppermint, camphorous Eucalyptus and soothing Lavender. It can be used when you first feel a headache coming on, by pressing the pen-like rollerball applicator onto your scalp in little dots along your natural hair line. Since peppermint is known to be quite calming and almost numbing, it helps to ease the pain associated with headaches and migraines. It has a slight warming, yet cooling sensation that helps to reduce pain and pounding, while relieving tension.
I’ve been using Saje Peppermint Halo Wand for the past few months, and I don’t know if it’s a placebo effect, but it actually seems to work? I apply it directly to my hair line, as directed, along with the top of my forehead and temples, sit back and relax and wait for it to do its magic. Within about 30 minutes, I feel instant relief. On the days when my headaches are really intense or I have an extremely bad migraine, I still rely on meds, along with the Halo. I’m shocked at how quickly, powerful and effective this is. I love that in comes in a convenient, easy to use wand design that is small enough to carry in my purse. I’d say the only downside is that it’s fairly strong in scent. When applying outside the home, it might irritate/ annoy the people around you, but when suffering from an intense headache, do you really care? It retails for $26.95.
I occasionally get headaches with no warning. I shall try this product.