How many pictures do you take to get the perfect selfie?
Whether it is 1 or 20, we all find the need to take endless amounts of them throughout the day. Schick Quattro for Women is celebrating stylish Canadian selfies in a contest called Your #Selfie. Your Style, where participants can enter for the chance to win a $5,000 shopping spree.
Since you’re probably already taking selfies, daily, why not upload one to Instagram with the hashtag #QFWSelfie and tag @QFWCanada for your chance to win. You can also upload a selfie to their Facebook app here. Contest closes in four days on July 22nd, 2014, so start snapping and uploading now.
Schick Quattro for Women is offering a fabulous giveaway to The Pink Millennial readers valued at over $185. The prize includes 2 New Schick Quattro for Women razors, enriched with Papaya & Pearl, fold-over clutch, summery scarf, jeweled cuff bracelet and a $50 Visa gift card.
To enter this Schick Quattro Your #Selfie Your Style Giveaway, just leave a blog comment below telling me how many selfies you take a week or include a link to your beautiful #QFWSelfie on social media.
I rarely take selfies. Maybe one every couple of months!
I actually don’t take very many, not even one a week, is that weird!?!
I take on maybe once a month :)
not much…maybe once a week if at all
Actually I just took my first selfie while on holidays this week.
Maybe 1 or 2? Usually just if I’m dressed up nice ready to go out. Clearly I work too much. Lol
Hmm… depends on if I’m with friends.. 1-10 depending!
I never take selfies. I refuse! Maybe I’m too old to get why anyone would. Lol!
I don’t take many selfies..maybe 5 selfies a week
Usually none! My hubby takes photos of me for our blog though.
I usually don’t take selfies, I love taking pics of others though
I take none!
I don’t take selfies, I like to take photos with others more :)
Maybe once a week
I rarely take selfies…maybe once a month?
I don’t take them on a regular basis – maybe 1 or 2 a year
I don’t keep track
do not take weekly or even monthly. I would have to say one very couple of months
as few as possible..close to zero
Honestly, I don’t usually take selfies. And if I do, it’s because my friends make me get in theirs.
I probably take only 1 selfie a week!
I take selfies maybe once every couple of weeks.
I take one a week at the most and some weeks none.
how many do i take a week? zero. I take *maybe* one or two per year (if that).
Maybe 1 a week if that
I take probably 2 in a week
rarely – maybe once a month…
I dont take them every week maybe every 2 weeks or more
I hardly ever take selfies,maybe one every couple months.
I rarely take selfies. I find them to be a little narcissistic
I don’t take any. I am not a big “selfie” taker :).
I never take selfies. I’ve tried before but I always look dorky so I gave up!*l*
2 or 3
my hubby works away, so I send him selfies of sad faces, probably 4 or more a week
One or two, if that – I haven’t really gotten into the ‘selfie’ culture.
2 or 4
3 or so!
None, just of the family and cat!
1-2, but normally to show off my baby! :)
once a week
Zero…I’m not much for selfies…I’m usually behind the camera!
1 or 2
i don’t take any selfies – i’m not photogenic and don’t feel comfortable with my pics
Maybe 1 every couple months!
maybe one or two a month
I don’t take too many selfies maybe one or two a month
maybe once or twice a week
maybe one
one or two
I take about two selfies a week.. at the most!!! I take more pictures of my art instead
10 I’m sorry!
Once a week or so
1 at most.
At least 4 a day…
No vanity of self-obsession here. I love to catch the candid shots – the Photographer. Nil Selfies, however if you had asked if my 10 year old son has taken Selfies – that’s another story all together – hmmmm 7 – 8, little cutie.
Eva Mitton-Urban
Your bloglovin link in the Rafflecopter is broken, just so you know. :)
5 to record my makeup
I have only taken a few selfies ever!
via Rhonda W G.
At least 3 times a week
I probably take a selfie a day, sometimes more if I’m feeling great!
I rarely take selfies! i may have taken a few. I need #selfie101! ;)
I’ve only ever taken a few selfies. I prefer taking selfies with a friend or my daughter:)
I don’t take selfies. I might do one a year :)
none at all
None, I’m not photogenic…
5 a week!
I don’t take any selfies.