Things To Leave Behind In 2018
Happy New Years and happy almost 2019. I know everyone is saying this, but I felt like 2018 went by incredibly quickly. The older I get, the quicker time flies. Although I accomplished a lot this year, there are still so many goals I want to achieve. That being said, there are also a ton of things I want to forget about from this past year, and that are just best left in 2018. From fashion choices, to tasks I didn’t finish, 2019 is all about a fresh start. The goal is to start the new year as light, effective and as happy as you possibly can. Holding onto things that don’t bring you joy or empower you, are going to make 2019 just as stressful as the last.
Trendy Fashion Pieces
I don’t think a year goes by, that we all don’t fall victim to a popular fashion trend. Whether this is an article of clothing, an innovated footwear design or a unique jewellery craze, we all have that one fashion fad we know we’re never going to wear again. I fell pretty hard for those boxy shift dresses, that do absolutely nothing for my body type. I thought they looked cute on the mannequin, but when it comes to real life, I just look like a sack.
Social Media Accounts That Make You Feel Bad
We all have those accounts/people we follow on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, that no longer inspire us. Maybe this is a personal friend, an account you’ve been following for years or just the simple reason they’re following you. Either way, it’s unhealthy to continue following these pages that leave us feeling bad about yourself. I recently did a clean up on my accounts, and although I felt incredibly guilty to hit that unfollow button, I just kept reminding myself, it had nothing to do with the accounts or the individuals, but more or less for my well being.
We all have regrets, things we’d like to change, but in reality…we can’t. Holding onto the past is not only stressful but can actually hold you back on future accomplishments. While we can learn from our mistakes, we cannot change it. Holding onto the idea that we can somehow change the past, is unrealistic and time-consuming. Take that energy and put it towards a future goal. Although I try to live in the moment, there are still some things I’ve done in 2018 that haunt me. I’m trying to let go of those regrets and replace them with ways I can improve in 2019.
To-Do List
At the beginning of the year, we all set these huge goals with high expectations of accomplishing them. As December quickly comes around, we notice we’ve only checked off a few tasks on that list. Although we might not have time to achieve everything we set out to finish, we can make a conscious decision to tackle at least one of them. For myself, we had “what we thought was a leak in our ceiling” a few weeks ago, and yet we still have the hole in our ceiling that we never patched up. While this is a minor detail, every time I look up and see it, it frustrates and annoys me. This needs to be fixed ASAP.
Stop Obsessing Over Physical Flaws
I think it’s safe to say, we all have that one body part we’re unhappy with. Chances are, others don’t even notice it, and it’s all in your head. Unless it’s something that is causing you major mental health issues, we should all learn to start embracing our bodies and uniqueness. For me, it’s the size of my chest. I’ve been unhappy with my boobs for years, and I’m always buying clothing to help diminish the size of the girls. I also find myself standing straight on in photos, in hopes people don’t notice how large they are. 2019 we should start to love our “imperfections” and remind ourselves that our “flaws” are mostly in our heads anyways.
What I Wore- Extra AF Tee- c/o Zink Made, Sparkly Skirt- H&M, Watch- c/o Christian Paul, Heels- Ivanka Trump via The Bay
Makeup done by the fab Samantha Blatnicky Makeup & Lash Artist and set design created by Party Girls Company