Ain’t it funny how only a few short years ago, my ideal Friday night would be going out for dinner then hitting up the hottest night club in town. Now my perfect Friday night consists of homer décor shopping with the hubby. This week we bought a new home entertainment system unit for the loft and Derek has been busy putting it together. It’s finally almost complete, so naturally I need a ton of home décor pieces to fill it with. We spent our Friday night at Micheals, Winners, HomeSense, Wal-Mart, Urban Barn and a few other local shops picking out new pieces to add to our new beautiful shelves. Can’t wait to see the end results.
What I Wore
Dress- Joe Fresh
Necklace- c/o Cocoa Jewelry
Watch- Guess
Belt- The Bay
Purse- c/o PinkStixs
Heels- Urban Originals
really like the dress