I forgot how much people panic when the mall is closed for a day. As most of us know, the mall was closed on Friday, opened today, and then will be closed again tomorrow; what’s a girl to do with no shopping for an entire day? I really couldn’t believe how busy the mall was on Saturday, it was like Boxing Day or something. Everywhere we went, people were cranky, rude and in a hurry. You would think it was the end of the world or something. Even the roads were busy, shouldn’t everyone be at home spending time with family and friends over the holidays, instead of shopping for items they don’t really need? Sadly to say, I was one of those crazy people shopping, but I had a good reason; need last minute goodies for Edmonton. Since we leave next weekend, this was our last weekend to get everything we need for our trip. The hubby works for the next 7 days straight, so no extra time but today to shop. Happy to say, although the mall was packed, we did get everything on our list and made it out in one piece. Thank goodness for these comfy joggers, made shopping a breeze.
Top- H&M- in stores now
Cardi- Joe Fresh
Necklace – c/o Cocoa Jewelry
Joggers- Smart Set
Shoes- Town Shoes
Oh my goodness, these are adorable!!!
Awe, thanks sweetie, you’re always so supportive- love ya girl!
I’m sorry but those look ridiculous. Especially with the heels. You look like you forgot to finish your outfit. I’m slowly starting to look at your page less and less for inspiration, because your outfits have been pretty terrible lately. Sorry I had to say it, I’m sure you’re looking for feedback. That’s mine.
Sorry to hear my page isn’t inspiring you anymore, I try not to take myself too seriously and just have fun with fashion, after all, it’s only for a day. Fashion should be fun, you should be able to take risks and try new things. In the real world, we all make mistakes, and since my page is about my everyday life, it won’t always be perfect….and I’m okay with that. I do love hearing ppls feedback tho, so thanks for this! Have a wonderful day