I’m starting to gather outfit ideas for Edmonton at the end of this month, and I’m thinking these converse should be at the top of my list? I have no idea what the weather is going to be like while we’re there, all I know is I want to be comfy (especially if I’m shopping West Edmonton mall for hours on end). I have a hard enough time packing for 7 days when we travel, let alone 30. I don’t know where to start, what to pack, how much to pack or what to bring. Our usual vacation spot is somewhere warm, making it super easy to pack for, lots of dresses and skirts, but the thought of packing for cooler weather freaks me out. Do I bring 30 pairs of pants and 30 tops, plus extra jackets, sweaters and dresses, or do I just pack for 7 days and wash when I’m there? Don’t even get me started on shoes and makeup up, I swear I’m going to need like 6 suitcases. Do you have any suggestions on how I should pack?
Top- Dynamite
Denim Jacket- Smart Set
Pearls- Gift from hubby
Sunnie- c/o Oakley
Purse- Smart Set
Pants- Smart Set
Runners- Converse
Oh my…. definitely not 30 tops and 30 bottoms!! I’d suggest packing 8 tops, 8 bottoms, Make sure they are quite basic so you can mix and match. A few coats and maybe 4 pairs of shoes (including those perfect Chucks). Don’t forget a rain jacket and lounge wear too! Happy packing!
Haha, I know you’re right, just so hard to pack for an entire month- maybe I’ll just do some major shopping in West Edmonton Mall