Fuck Cancer
It doesn’t get any better than black, white and hot pink. When putting this outfit together, I knew I wanted to base my outfit around this Fuck Cancer INWYKIWYK™ tee. It was just one of those morning, hating cancer, and all the people I’ve lost to the nasty disease. This tee seemed appropriate for my mood. If you hate cancer as much as I do, make sure to show your support by picking up a FUCK CANCER tee for only $25 (found here). Since the outfit was mainly black and white, you know I had to add a little colour into the mix, a little girlyness if you will. Nothing screams girly, like hot pink! These killer hot pink Ivanka Trump stilettos made the outfit, if you ask me?
Tee- c/o Fuck Cancer INWYKIWYK™
Denim Jacket- Smart Set
Purse- Kate Spade
Watch- Guess
Polka Dot Pants- H&M
Ivanka Trump Stilettos- The Bay