Improve your skin from the inside out
We’ve all heard about the amazing benefits of drinking more water, including boosting metabolism that can help with weight loss, increase in energy, removes toxins, healthier, more radiant looking skin, but are we consuming enough? I have to admit, I don’t drink nearly enough, I’d rather be sipping on a coffee or a soda. When Blossom Lounge contacted me about this Blossom x BKR Beauty Water Challenge, I was a little worried I wouldn’t be able to keep up. The challenge, improve your skin from the inside out by consuming 2.5 litres of water a day for 30 days.
Blossom Lounge sent me the cutest little hot pink BKR glass bottle with soft silicone sleeve at the end of April and my challenge started May 1st. What started off as a “challenge”, as I never thought I’d be able to drink 2.5 litres of water per day, is now a part of my daily routine. My bright pink BKR bottle is a convenient and handy way to keep track of just how much water I’m consuming each day. Not only is it a stylish way to drink more water, but Blossom Lounge attached 5 elastic bands around the bottle that is to be removed each time I finished a bottle. It’s a great way to keep track of how much water you’ve actually been drinking each day. Each time you go for a refill your bottle, you remove one of the elastic bands (5 elastic bands x 500ml BKR bottle, equals 2.5 litres a day).
The first two weeks were a little rough, I could easily get down 3 bottles, but the last 2 were definitely a challenge. The trick was to consume a bottle the moment I woke up, followed by another one before 10AM and the third before noon. That way I had all afternoon and evening to finish my last two. Moving forward, I now have no problem drinking all 5 bottles before dinner, which is probably a smart idea, so I’m not up several times in the middle of the night peeing.
The Blossom X BKR Beauty Water Challenge has truly changed my life. My BKR bottle comes everywhere with me, it even made its way out West for my Edmonton trip, and I’m now more aware of what I’m putting into my body. I actually feel a little guilty if I have a Coke or don’t finish my 5 bottles throughout the day. I now know my water intake wasn’t even nearly enough and I now encourage others to drink more water. Within the first month, I did notice a huge improvement in my skin, it was a lot more hydrated and softer. Now that it’s been over 2 months, my energy has definitely gone up. The water helps to flush out toxins and waste products, so my heart doesn’t have to work as hard to pump out oxygenated blood to my cells. I’ve also noticed I’m eating less, I think before I was mistaking hunger for thirst. Now that I’m not dehydrated, my headaches have decreased. Although I still suffer from them daily, they don’t seem as bad. My concentration level has also gone up, I’m thinking clearer and am more alert in my everyday life. I guess the only minor downside to this challenge, is the frequent trips to the bathroom.