Musical Festival 2015
It was absolutely pouring, but that didn’t stop the thousands of music goers from jamming hard to an array of some of the hottest DJs from across the world at today’s Ever After Fest. I’ve never seen rain come down as hard as it did today. At one point, I almost lost my sandals, as the rain flooded the ground I was standing on. Although it would have been better without the rain, I still had a wonderful time listening to some truly amazing and wonderful artists.
What I Wore
Tee- Sheinside
Sunnie- c/o Polette
Watch- Guess
Bracelets- c/o ShopMissA
Purse- H&M
Pants- Forever 21
Sandals- Marshals
Just a question, and don’t take offense, but do you proof read your posts before you submit them? There are often quite a few spelling errors
bah haha fashion posts, no, reviews yes
Partly because I just don’t have the time to keep up and partly because I think most people just looking at the outfits. The reviews are more involved, people might be actually buying those items, plus if I’m working with a brand, I try and keep it more “professional” hehe otherwise the blog is just for fun and people make mistakes
Are you in KW? Or is this a different Ever After music fest?
Yes, this was in Kitchener, I’m actually from London, so pretty close