Alice in Wonderland Halloween Costume
“Have I gone mad?”
“I’m afraid so. You’re entirely Bonkers. But I will tell you a secret, all the best people are.”
I couldn’t agree more with this quote. In fact, Alice in Wonderland has always been one of my favourite movies. There’s something about the storyline that just regulates with me. I’m a huge fan of this fairytale for so many reasons. It taught me so much as a child, and I’m still learning from it. Today, on top of sharing my Halloween costume with you guys, I’m sharing 5 things Alice in Wonderland taught me.
According to Cheshire the Cat, we’re all mad. I don’t mean we’re all walking around pissed off at the world, but we’re all unique and crazy in our own way. It’s the little quirks that make us truly bonkers. The movie taught me it was okay to be different and never let those around me to feel less about myself.
Alice taught us all to never stop dreaming. Although she grew up in an era where it was inappropriate to think of impossible things, she refused to accept things were impossible. She was always dreaming of the unimaginable and dreamt up 6 impossible things before breakfast. She taught me at a young age to set high goals for myself and to strive to meet those goals.
It’s also okay to be a little curious. Alice followed the White Rabbit down the bunny hole, even though she knew she was going to get dirty and in trouble. She could have tried and convinced herself that she didn’t see the rabbit, but instead she was a little nosy and followed him. It’s okay to be impulsive from time to time, if you never explore outside of your comfort zone, you’ll never achieve greatness.
“Normal” is a relative term. Having my own thoughts and options doesn’t make me weird, it’s just “my reality is different than yours”. It’s okay to be different and not worry about what other people think of you. We’re all “normal” in our unique way.
Sometimes you have to fall down the rabbit hole to get to where you need to be. Alice didn’t know where she was falling, nor did she know where she was after she landed, but she was okay with it. Just because you fall down in life, doesn’t mean you have to stay there. I know it’s sometimes easier to stay knocked down than it is to get back up, but it’s important to dust yourself off and look for a way out.
Love this Amber!. I to can so relate to Alice In Wonderland.
Yes, just as you this has taught me many thing’s in many different perspective’s.
Absolutely love your costume’s.❤
Really like this read and over the top with your Halloween costume , love the hose 😜