Checkmate… loving this checker top I found way back in the closet, when I was cleaning out my room, getting it ready for my beauty room tour (found here) and I’m not too sure how I forgot about it? I’m only had it on once, yet I bought it way back in 2010. I love re-shopping my closet and finding new found loves. Saves me money.
On a side note, did anyone else watch Orange is the New Black on Netflix? I’m always the last one to start watching shows, usually at least a few year behind, but I was kicking myself that I didn’t watch this soon, OMG, it’s amazing. I watched the entire season (only 13 episodes) in less than 24 hours, I am pretty sure this makes me pathetic, but I don’t care. I’m now waiting for the second season, does anyone know when it comes out?
Top- store unknown- 2010
Necklace & Bracelet- c/o Cocoa Jewlery
Watch- Michael Kors Hunger- $355- Gift from hubby
Jeans- American Eagle- $39- Dec 2012
Purse- Coach- $348- June 2013
Booties- The Bay- $75 (on sale from $150)- Nov 2013