How to style a guys sweater
I love relaxing weekends with the hubby. We don’t get them that often, so when we do, it’s perfect. On Sunday, we didn’t have the best weather, seems like the theme of the summer, but that didn’t stop us from having fun. When it’s dark, dull and rainy, it’s best to spend time inside, shopping, correct? We hit up a few of our favourite malls, checked out a few outlets, walked around downtown and had lunch on the patio. It was a little chilly, so I borrowed the hubby’s Marc Jacob sweater to keep me warm. What is it about a guy’s sweater that makes a girl feel super sexy? Even though it’s over-sized and doesn’t show the curves of my body, there’s something about wearing Derek’s clothes that makes me feel irresistible.
What I Wore
Grey sweater by Marc Jacob – c/o East Dane
Sunglasses- Coach
Necklace- Very Valero
Watch- Caravelle New York
Bracelet- c/o Swarovski
Shorts- Smart Set
Sandals- Marshalls