As if my crappy/ temporary camera wasn’t bad enough, it had to start raining just before I went outside to take my pictures…. Are you kidding me? I really can’t believe how awful the pictures turnout compared to a SLR camera, I guess I forgot what it’s like to have a regular point and shoot camera. Not only does it take forever to take one picture, the quality turns out like this! Although I’m sad to say goodbye to my Nikon D40 (in which I’ve had for over 6 years) and ended up breaking in Mexico, I’m happy to welcome my new Nikon D5100 into the home, which should be arriving by the end of the week, yahoo!
Sorry for the quality of pictures, I know they’re really bad, but they should go back to normall hopefully by tomorrow when my new Nikon camera arrives- here’s hoping I know how to use it right away…….
Pug Me Tee- Smart Set- $25
Necklace- c/o Cocoa Jewelry
Watch- Michael Kors Hunger- $355- Gift from hubby
Jacket- Old Navy- $45- Sept 2012
Purse- Target- $40- April 2013
Jeans- Smart Set-$27 (on sale)- Jan 2013
Shoes- Target- $35- July 2013