Peachy Keen

Peachy Keen

How to wear a high-low skirt

I almost forgot about this beautiful, peachy keen with polka dot, high-low skirt from Forever 21, until I picked up this gorgeous floral top from the new Lauren Conrad for Kohl’s collection. The high-low skirt trend is still going strong for summer and Forever 21 has a large selection of them again this season. I love the asymmetrical hemlines, the way it frames a fabulous pair of heels and that it can be worn several different ways. When it comes to wearing a flowy skirt, try to stick with fitted tops to counterbalance the skirts silhouette. Since this Lauren Conrad blouse isn’t that fitted, I opted to tuck it in. A high-low skirt can be quite easy to wear and style and would be a great addition to any wardrobe. I could have made this outfit causal by pairing it with a pair of white sneakers, like Converse or Keds, for a more daytime/ weekend look, but since its Friday night, I went with heels.

Blouse- Lauren Conrad from Kohl’s
Bracelet- BCBG
Watch- Fossil
Skirt- Forever 21
Shoes- Le ChateauBlouse, Lauren Conrad, Kohl’s, Skirt, Forever 21, Shoes, Pumps, Le Chateau, Bracelet, BCBG Watch, Fossil, White Watch, Rose Gold, Floral Print, Dress Shirt, Tee, Peach Skirt Beauty Blogger, Beauty Blog, Fashionista, The Pink Millennial, Canadian Peach, How to wear a high-low skirt, high-low, high low, flowy skirt Peach, How to wear a high-low skirt, high-low, high low, flowy skirt asymmetrical hemlines, skirts silhouette, casual outfit, ootd, outfit, Canadian Fashion Blog, The Pink Millennial Nude Pumps, killer heels, short skirt



Amber is just an everyday girl from Canada with a love of fashion and beauty. The Pink Millennial is a fashion, beauty and lifestyle blog that focus on personal style, beauty, home décor and so much more!

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