A few days ago I wrote saying that I loved waking up every day feeling inspired and being able to channel my creative side on this fashion blog. I also talked about how the interest has allowed me to meet so many amazing people, has helped me grow as an individual and leaves me feeling inspired each and every day. I also shared 5 things I’ve heard from blogging, and after popular demand, I’m back with 5 more things I have learned from blogging.
Sticking with the inspiration theme, know it’s okay to look to other creative outlets, like other fashion bloggers, celebrities, magazines, TV shows, to get motivation from. Just remember to always stay true to who you are, and do what you love.
It’s okay to say no. You don’t owe anybody anything and you’re not obligated to say yes to something you’re not 100% behind. Happiness will only come when you make choices that benefit you. If you’re hesitant about something and deep down in your heart you know you’re not thrilled about a particular idea, just say no. You’re the only person that’s going to be affected by your decision, so make sure it’s the correct one. New opportunities are around each corner, so don’t feel pressured to say yes to every offer.
It’s okay to take a break. You’re not a machine. I highly suggest before you burn out, to consider taking a few days or even weeks for yourself. For years, I felt guilty if I didn’t blog daily or respond to every single tweet or Facebook messages. If I didn’t achieve the goals I set out for that day, I would become extremely anxious and stressed out. I quickly learned that I’m not a robot and it’s okay to take a few days off from blogging.
Sure keywords and SEO are important when running a successful blog, but I truly believe networking is key. Not only will it build friendships that will last a lifetime, these same people can help you understand the industry better and provide support when you face challenges. It can also help you discover new opportunities and further your career.
Most importantly, have fun. Don’t start blogging thinking that you’re going to hit it rich. It has to be a passion of yours and something that you truly enjoy doing. Try new things, meet new people and keep it entertaining. Don’t take yourself too seriously and don’t worry if you make mistakes, we all do.
What I Wore- Dress- c/o Chicwish, Sunglasses- c/o Polette, Purse- Kate Spade, Denim Jacket- The Gap, Watch – c/o Michael Hill, Bracelet- c/o Endless Jewelry, Pumps- DSW
Where are you in London in these pics? Downtown? Love that bracelet!