Just because I can’t eat, doesn’t mean I can’t look cute. I had gum grafting done yesterday, which is basically where the surgeon folds the gum on my bottom two front teeth to access the tissue below the gum, takes a flap of my skin at the roof of my mouth aka my palate and grafts it to my bottom gum before stitching it back down. I wasn’t sedated for this procedure, which was probably the hardest part? If I was to wait for general anesthetic, I’d be looking at the beginning of next year, and since I’m doing all this so I can get started with Invisalign, I jumped at the chance to getting in right away. All in all, it was fairly pain-free. The hardest part for me, the no talking for 3 days and basically no eating (besides soft foods) for upwards of 2 weeks. So just because I can’t talk or eat doesn’t mean I can’t look cute, plus I hate being away from this fashion blog for any longer than a few days, so here is my ootd.
What I Wore- Dress- c/o Chicwish, Celine Sunglasses- c/o Smart Buy Glasses, Clutch- Aldo, Pumps- DSW
hope you feel better, you still look great