Husband’s favourite baseball team is Detroit Tigers; good friend of ours is the Atlanta Braves, so when both teams were playing each other in Detroit on Friday we knew we had to go. Who would have thought we would be seeing Detroit Tigers history with Anibal Sanchez striking out 17 playing, beating legendary Mickey Lolich 15 record in 1969.
In typical guy fashion my husband had to rag on our friend, Sean, for his team losing so bad; it was all fun and games at the beginning when the Braves were only down by 4 runs, Sean kept saying “all we need is a grand slam and we’re back in the game”, but in the 4th inning when the Tigers batted in 6 runs and were up by 10, we knew the game was pretty much over. My husband kept saying “I know I don’t have my glasses on so I must not be reading the score correctly….. does that say 10 to 0 for the Tigers? ” Poor, poor Sean!
Probably not the best game for our friend to see live, his team losing and losing bad (10/0) but we all still had a great time. What’s not to love…. the 2 hour drive each way to Detroit, the hour wait at the boarder each way, the $10 beers, the $5 hotdogs, the freezing cold or your team not even getting a single run batted in?
This is the only sport this girl understands/ can actually sit and watch a full game without being bored. What sport is your favourite?
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Your husband has great taste, I’ve been a fan since I was a child, so cool to witness Tiger history
Go Tigers Go- I love love love this look