Dress Like A Boss

How to wear a power suit

I’ve always enjoyed fine tailoring. I love feeling confident and powerful when dressing. I get that feeling whenever I wear a power suit. You probably already know what a suit is, but just in case, it’s basically two articles of clothing. You take a blazer or jacket and pair it with both, whether that be trousers or a skirt. You can have fun mixing and matching your blazer to pants or skirts, but the key to having a chic and sophisticated look, is to have them matching (ideal in the same fabric and colourway).
How to wear a power suit How to wear a power suit

One of the most iconic power suits would have to be the Prince of Wales check suit. It’s woven twill design is made from both small and large checks. Its usually done in black, grey and white, but lately we’ve seen designers introducing a small pop of colour into the design. The two dominated colours alternate with the lighter shades to create a crossing pattern of irregular checks that are quite polished and sophisticated. If you’re looking for a more edgy and modern twist, look for one that offers a bold pop of red or some vibrant colour to help add visual interest. You can also keep it fresh and current by taking a slightly oversize blazer and tossing on a killer pair of heels. I love the juxtaposition of the masculine blazer with the feminine detail in the shoes.
How to wear a power suit

Next style, and a personal fave, a colour suit. This is where you can have fun with colour and add an element of surprise to your look. This is more of a curveball and something you wouldn’t expect when thinking a power suit. It’s bold, bright and exciting. This statement suit can be either dressed up for office or a night on the town but can also be easily dressed down for weekend brunch with the gals. This suit shows off your true personality and shows the world you’re a risk taker. You’re not afraid to have fun with colour, or fashion, and that you don’t stick to the rules. Of course, you can style it with heels, but for a low-profile try white sneakers. This instantly adds a touch of coolness and dresses down an otherwise stuffy outfit.
How to wear a power suit How to wear a power suit

Although not too particular for fall, another option is the sleeveless suit. You may be inclined to want to style it with a turtleneck or long sleeve blouse, but it really shines when the shirt underneath is also sleeveless. You want to keep your arms completely free of any fabric, to really create that streamline, sex appeal. Try looking for a shirt with some unique detail. This may be a ruffle neckline or even a silky bowtie, both of which will help create visual interest. This is an extremely feminine and dainty look that can work for all occasions.

How to wear a power suit How to wear a power suit

If you like the idea of a power suit and want to try this look without jumping on the matchy-matchy train just yet, try investing in a statement blazer. Try it with your fave pair of jeans, or even a trendy pair of leather trousers before competing to a two-piece set. From a basic white tee and boyfriend jeans, to a silky blouse with cigarette pants, tossing on a form-fitting, or even oversized blazer is a sure way to make a bold statement while still sticking to your comfort zone.

What I Wore- Power Suit and Blouse- c/o Channers, Watch- Cluse, Pumps- Aldo

Makeup from Sam of Samantha Blatnicky Makeup & Lash Artist and set design from Party Girls Co. 
How to wear a power suit How to wear a power suit How to wear a power suit


Amber is just an everyday girl from Canada with a love of fashion and beauty. The Pink Millennial is a fashion, beauty and lifestyle blog that focus on personal style, beauty, home décor and so much more!

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