Letterman Jacket
Happy 8 year anniversary to my beautiful husband. Today marks 8 wonderful years of marriage with many more to come. I know most girls would want to celebrate with champagne, flowers, chocolate, jewelry and an expensive dinner out, but not this girl. For those that know me, know I don’t have a romantic bone in my body. I hate holding hands, I hate snuggling in bed, I hate love poems, I hate PDA and truthfully, I forgot all about our anniversary until the hubby reminded me of it. I know it’s just wrong, but I can’t even remember our anniversary date. I know it’s in September, and around the 12, 14 or 16, but the actual date gets me every time. Although Derek is super romantic, I usually ruin the moment by laughing and thinking how cheesy and corny it is. I was happy to just spend the day with him. We enjoyed our first pumpkin spiced latte of the season from Starbucks, had a “romantic” steak dinner in, and “cuddle” up on the couch watching movies.
Plaid Shirt- Bluenotes
Necklace – c/o Cocoa Jewelry
Letterman Jacket- H&M
Purse- c/o Nella Bella
Skinny Jeans- Smart Set
Boots- The Bay
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