Fashion Blogger
In a follow-up to yesterday’s blog post, What Do Bloggers Really Do, I wanted to focus today’s blog post on some of the crazy questions I get asked daily. When I started this blog almost 8 years ago, I never thought I’d be in the position I’m in now. Although bloggers have been around for more than a decade, it’s still a somewhat new career. I often get asked what is a fashion blogger, how many hours I work in a day and if I make money at it. I understand that many people I meet may not know what a blogger is, that doesn’t give them the right to ask personal and invasive questions.
Here are a few inappropriate questions never to ask a blogger or influencer.
Is this really your real job and only source of income?
Does your partner support all your shopping needs?
How do you make money?
How much money do you make blogging.
Can you tell me all your secrets on how to earn money
How can I become a blogger and start making as much money as you?
Can you share your contacts with me, the brands that pay you to blog?
Your job is so easy, I wish I could get paid to share my outfits or review a product.
How much money do you charge for a single social media share?
How much will a brand pay you for a blog post?
Can I have some of your free stuff that brands give to you, since you won’t be able to use it all.
I could go on and on. Basically, stay away from the money conversation and don’t assume our jobs are easy. Like I said it yesterday’s post, we have the roles of several professions. I’m all for answering your blogging questions, but if you wouldn’t ask someone in your current field a specific type of question, it’s not okay to ask me the same.
What I Wore- Dress- co/ Eliza J, Sunglass- Forever 21, Clutch- Aldo, Watch- c/o Christian Paul, Bracelet- c/o Sears, Pumps