Mooi Medical Aesthetics & Spa
I’ve been getting a ton of questions and emails about my experience with Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) treatment and Non-Ablative Fractional Laser treatment. I was going to wait til the end of my treatments to do an entire review of my experience, but thought I would answer a few questions and chat about what it will actually do for my skin now. Both treatments will help clear up acne scars, hyperpigmentation, age spots and even out skin tone. It will also help with future breakouts, fine lines and wrinkles, and have me looking 18 again.
You may recall my review on the Mooi by Kristen Lee Skincare Line that I’ve been using for the past 5 months? It was created by Kristen Lee, a fellow Londoner, after years of searching for the perfect products to help her with her own adult acne. Mooi Medical Aesthetics & Spa offers a wide variety of services to help you with all your skin needs. All equipment is medical grade, similar to what you would find in a dermatology office. Upon arrival, Kristen will sit with you and discuss your skin concerns and chat with you about what you hope to accomplish through these treatments. She will take a closer look at your skin and set up the best possible program to have smoother, radiant looking skin in no time.
I’ve had two separate appointments, spaced 3 weeks apart with 3 different treatments on each day. Each treatment is only about 5 to 10 minutes, for a total of 30 minutes max. The first treatment Kristen zapped me with the Palomar Lux V Intense Pulsed Light (IPL). This helps to clear up any current blemishes and breakouts as any light absorbed by the skin at this wavelength kills any bacteria on the skin’s surface. This is completely painless, my skin did feel a little warmer, but nothing else besides that.
The second treatment was Palomar Max G Photofacial. This treatment works on any superficial hyperpigmentation. If the darker patches of skin are ‘fresh’ or ‘new’ then the Max G is able to break up the pigment and our own lymphatic system will reabsorb it and flush it out. Again, this was pretty much painless, also a little warm, and you can feel a slight zap when the light gets closer around your eyes. Since your eyes are closed and wearing sun protection, it’s nothing too severe.
The final treatment was the 1540 Non-Ablative Fractional Laser treatment. This laser omits microcolumns of light down to the very bottom layer of the skin without actually breaking the surface of the skin. These means the surrounding tissue is unaffected, which means no bleeding, no risk of scarring and no downtown, like other laser treatments. This laser helps to clear up older, deeper patches of skin discolouration and also helps with tightening of the skin and helps diminish fine lines and wrinkles by encouraging new cell and collagen regrowth. This treatment did sting in some areas, nothing too severe, about a 1 out of 10. It could also be the result of already undergoing two other treatments within a short amount of time. It doesn’t actually hurt, just a slight zap, and since it’s so quick, I didn’t even really notice it.
Because of the Palomar Max G Photofacial my dark spots that were already on my skin did appear to be a little dark right after treatment, but started to get lighter within a few days. My skin was also a little red for about 2 hours after the treatments. I made my appointments in the evening, so I just went home after each treatment, but I don’t see why you couldn’t do this on your lunch hour and go back to work. Although probably not the best idea to apply makeup right after treatment, I do believe a little bronzer would hide the redness; that’s how mild it actually is. Within 2 short treatments, I’ve already seen major results. Some of my dark spots do still appear to be darker, but this is just because it’s bringing those pigments up to the surface to be zapped away again. Although I’ve always been one to wear SPF, it’s extremely important to wear it when undergoing IPL treatments. Your skin is more sensitive to light and if you’re not properly protected, you could end up with more dark spots.
Overall, I think this is a wonderful service for those that are looking to address several skin concerns. Although lotions and potions are great, they are very time consuming, expensive, and I don’t think will ever really clear up all these issues.
For those in the London area that are looking for clearer, smoother, more radiant looking skin, you need to check out Kristen’s new spa at 1140 Southdale Road West Unit #2.
Thanks for sharing, I’ve been hearing more and more about this service, but the cost always kept me away. I didn’t actually think it would work and I was scared of the downtime. I’ve seen some pretty scary YouTube videos where their skin looks worse than it did before. Might have to look into this
I think you would be extremely happy with it, Kristen is amazing and I promise you, she won’t burn your face like other treatments you may have seen on YouTube. I also promise you can go right back to work after, it may be a little red for a few hours, but nothing too noticeable or scary.
Hi Sandra,
If you have any more questions please feel free to let me know as I am such a huge advocate of this process (IF you have the right person operating the laser).It has changed my skin and for the first time in a long time I don’t feel the need to slather on foundation when I go out of the house! YouTube freaked me out too but sometimes you just have to trust the pros.
Again, thanks for sharing Victoria, agreed, you need the correct person working the laser. Kristen is freakin amazing and has been doing it for years, everyone will love her. I trust her with my skin 100%.
I’m pretty pale like you (now)- I used to tan all the time when I was younger and now have a ton of dark marks. I’ve tried every cream on the market to lighten them and nothing seems to work, I may have to look into this- how many treatments would I need for them to be at least 80% gone? Are yours almost gone after 2 treatments or are you going back for more? Sorry for so many questions, I’m pretty interested
I’ve been hearing more and more about this treatment, its been something I’ve been looking into/ now saving up for- how many treatments would I need to have a few dark sports removed on my face- what does this spa charge per treatment, discount if I order more than one?
An IPL treatment will run you $144 each & the fractional laser cost $495 per session, I believe she’ll give a discount if you over 4 or more treatments all at the same time- I would email her to confirm
How many treatments would I need to clear up dark age spots- are you done your treatment now with only 2? How much does 2 treatments cost- will you need more?
An IPL treatment will run you $144 each & the fractional laser cost $495 per session. Depending on the damage of your skin, you’ll need about 4 to 6 sessions. I’m hoping to get in 4 treatments in total
I believe the creams will only take you so far. I believe you would need about 4 to 6 sessions. Mine have lightened (but new ones have popped up) in only 2 short treatments, you really need to get them done every 3 to 4 weeks to stay on top of things, I think I’ve waited too long, which is why I’m seeing new ones? I’m hoping to get back in for a few more treatments.
I used to live in Toronto and now live in London and I was looking for someone to finish my treatments so this is so exciting. I had both superficial and deeper hyper pigmentation of the skin and have started doing a series of IPL and fractional laser and with the Palomar Medical and FINALLY a media spa that has this technology!!! yipppeeee I don’t have to drive back to Toronto (although I would have:). It’s a great procedure – minimal downtime and gets the job done. Thanks for letting me know about this place!
Hi Kendra! Like I shared with Sandra I did both the IPL and fractional laser and after 2 treatments I would say my dark spots are about 70% lighter. I am excited to finish.
Awe Victoria, thanks for sharing your experience with Kendra and myself, I know its always nice to hear someone else’s thoughts before a new treatment, hope this helps Kendra
You’re going to love Kristen’s new space, its brand new (but don’t worry she’s been going it for years). I loved that there was no downtime, a huge plus for me. It will be nice to have someone you love and trust in London, saves you 4 hours on the road (okay and gas money) hehe- how are you liking London?