Wal-Mart will always have a special place in my heart; it was one of my first jobs and I met some amazing people that I’m still friends with today, 15 years later. Wal-Mart’s slogan is “We save people money so they can live better” isn’t that the truth. No matter how hard I try, I can’t stay away; the quality, prices and their customer service gets me every time.
On May 2nd , 2013 Wal-Mart declared it “National Day of Savings” and invited everyone to take part; many bloggers jumped at the chance to get involved in their first “Frugal Heroes Challenge”, the idea behind the challenge was to share your budget friendly finds within your category, may that be beauty, fashion, mommy blogs, home décor, etc. all within $100.
Walmart Canada sent me a $100 Gift Card to go shopping with; not a problem for this girl, most of my outfits are under $100 (minus the shoes). When I first arrived at Wal-Mart I knew I was going to have to start in the shoe section, I knew about a third of my budget was going to be spent on them. Sure I could get flip flops/ inexpensive shoes to stay on budget, but that’s isn’t me and I wanted to keep this challenge as close to who I really am as possible. My husband was the one that found the shoes of my dream, classic black pumps but with silver spikes, he said “it screams you”…. Sold… only $29.
Shoes are taken care of, next item on the list would be getting the main outfit, since we’re moving into summer that was going to be easy, a dress. I really couldn’t believe the selection of dresses Wal-Mart has this season, I wanted about 6 of them. After trying on a few I couldn’t decide between 2 of them; could I get both and stay on budget? Sure why not, one was only $20 and the other $18. You know I’m a girl who loves a good cardi, so I couldn’t go without one. I found a hot pink one for only $12 and it matched one of the dresses perfectly.
With less than $20 to spend on accessories, I knew I had to hit up the clearance section, luckily for me one of the dresses came with a belt and I knew I would be able to use the same belt for both outfits, so that’s one item I could skip. So many cute jewlery pieces for under $5 it was hard to decide. I ended up going with a black necklace and braclet to match as I knew it would match both outfits perfectly and could be styled in so many ways. Both items said $5 each, but when I got up to the register the necklace rang up at $6, I wasn’t going to bother fighting it over $1 cause I know how much of a pain it is for the cashier; so although I did go over budget by $1.70, in my mind I was really over by only $0.57 and also can you really count the tax?
Considering I created 2 completely different outfits (yesterdays’ post here) and stayed within the budget within cents, I think I did a pretty good job, but you be the judge; does this outfit look like something I would normally wear?
Dress- $20
Nekclace- $6
Bracelet- $5
Shoes- $29
Total $60 (before tax)
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