with Dr. Julia Carroll
A few weeks ago, I dedicated an entire blog post to JUVÉDERM, where I chatted about my thoughts on fillers, about how I was considering getting lip injections. I then followed up with asking my readers to send in their questions and concerns, as I’d be more than happy to find out the answers. I had my first consultation with Dr. Julia Carroll, one of Canada’s leading dermatologists last week, and I wanted to share some of the valuable info I learned from our chat.
First off, I can’t stress enough how important it is to find a registered dermatologist (FRCPC), take the time to get to know your physician and also look for someone who has years of experience and excellent referrals. It’s our face, we don’t want no hack job. Take Dr. Carroll for instance, when she’s not in her office performing procedures, you can find her taking weekend courses, constantly improving her skills, while learning new techniques or teaching others. There’s a science and art form behind each procedure. It’s not just about jamming fillers into your skin and calling it a day. Her office also uses tools to help measure both the face and skin to ensure beautiful results each and every time.
Everyone still seems to be obsessed with the Kylie Jenner lips, and for good reason, they are plump, juicy and full. I have the total opposite effect, which is why I’ve always thought about lip injections. Dr. Julia Carroll offers something called the “Cinderella Lips”, designed for anyone looking to get an idea of what they may look like with fuller, poutier lips, without the commitment. She injects your lip line with saline, it provides the same effect as fillers, but slowly disappears after 24 hours. I instantly thought…. Brides. How perfect would this be for your wedding, or even as a quick-fix for a special night out or fancy event?
We all know that as we age, our lips become thinner, smaller and we start to experience fine lines around the edges of our lips, which is where fillers come into play. Dr. Julia Carroll can talk to you about your concerns and come up with the best possible solutions for you. In my case, JUVÉDERM might be an excellent option, as I’m looking for fuller, plumper, more youthful looking lips. After your initial consultation, the entire procedure, from start to finish, only takes about 30 minutes. You start by taking a few pictures, answering your questions and concerns, applying the numbing cream and start with the injections, which only takes about 5 minutes.
I know the next question on everyone’s mind is….. downtime. Although there may be some initial swelling, Dr. Julia Carroll can send you home with medication to handle that, along with info on how to prevent bruising. Most bruising can be avoided by consuming no alcohol or aspirin the day before, but if bruising does persist, a complimentary laser treatment is provided to reduce it. Most people are able to eat immediately afterwards, but keep in the mind, the swelling can last anywhere from 2 to 7 days. This just depends on the person. No extra steps are needed, and yes, I asked about freezing, i.e. do I have to put ice on the target area, you don’t. You can also wash your face as normal, with your regular daily cleanser and you can even apply your favourite lipstick immediately afterwards.
Another main question I got asked, is to inquire about the price. Dr. Julia Carroll charges per job and not by how much filler she injects. I love this, as you don’t have the fear of going over budget if you’re not completely satisfied with the outcome. She will continue to inject until it looks absolutely perfect and is just want you wanted.
The results can last anywhere from 6 to 12 months, depending on the person. A younger person with more youthful lips can last up to 2 years. Botox around the lips can also help preserve the filler and is an excellent option to help prolong the effects, although not necessary.
We also talked briefly on recommendation for those just starting out with fillers and Botox, or those in their late 20’s, early 30’s. Dr. Julia Carroll suggests preventive Botox. Take a look at your mother or older sister to see their concerns, as it could be a good indicator of how your skin will age. Applying a small amount of Botox between the eyes, or fillers into the lips or down the nose, can keep you looking fresh and young and help lessen the severity of fine lines in the future.
For those asking about forehead lines or crow’s feet, Dr. Julia Carroll recommends a little Botox.
“Disclosure: This post was sponsored by Juvederm, but all opinions on this blog are my own. I also want to thank you for supporting the brands that support my blog.”