When Life Gives You Lemons

When Life Gives You Lemons

When life gives you lemon…. grab tequila and salt. A shot of patron will make everything better. I really try my best at making something sour, like a lemon, into something sweeter, but sometimes that’s easier said than done. I try to have an optimistic attitude and make the best out of every negative situation in life, but my teeth are bothering me today (due to dental surgery on Monday) and it is making me cranky.

I truly believe you can learn from virtually every circumstance you encounter in life, so what have I learned from this experience… take the pain meds prescribed. I have total control over the things that have power over me and although I tried extremely hard to be tough these past few days, I finally caved and took a pill today. Sure, I didn’t take the strong stuff as prescribed by the doctor, but I did take an Advil or two. This allowed me to cope with the negative situation upon me and left me a little less annoyed.
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Amber is just an everyday girl from Canada with a love of fashion and beauty. The Pink Millennial is a fashion, beauty and lifestyle blog that focus on personal style, beauty, home décor and so much more!

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1 Comment

  1. July 21, 2016 / 8:44 pm

    I can so relate to the sour related to teeth. suffering an infection from a fracture in my root so I am dying. Spent the day getting off the pain pills, is there anything worse?? Love your outfit though

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