What a lazy day yesterday. After a long day of traveling from Edmonton on Friday, I didn’t want to do anything on Saturday. I didn’t want to get out of bed, but I did. I didn’t want to get dressed, so I didn’t. It was so nice to just relax, unpack, catch up on some emails, clean the house a little, watch a little TV and spend some much needed time with my fur babies (oh how I missed them). It so funny how everything seems so different after being away for so long, but in our case, it actually was. The city planted 4 new trees on our lawn while we were away. I know most people would be thrilled about this, but we hate it. Just means more mess come the Fall. We thought we were the only ones unhappy about these changes, until we talked with a few of our neighbours who also hate the new trees on their lawn, is our street crazy? Would you like new trees on your property? On a positive note, we have no more snow, only green grass, yahoo!
Tee- Smart Set
Blazer- RW & Co
Necklace- c/o Jewlz from Linever
Watch- Michael Kors
Bracelet- Smart Set
BKR Water Bottle- c/o Blossom Lounge
Jeans- Smart Set
Pumps- Le Chateau