Date Night
It doesn’t get any sexier than this metallic silver blazer for date night. I had doubts about this blazer when I first saw it, A) I really don’t need another blazer, B) we’re getting into warmer weather, so how often will I be wearing it and C) how many uses will I actually get out of a shiny metallic blazer? After much consideration, and by consideration, I mean about 2 minutes, I thought… it needs to come home with me. Now that I have it on with more appropriate clothing, than what I was wearing when I initially tried it on, I absolutely love it.
What I Wore
Lace Sweater (worn backwards) – RW & Co
Metallic Blazer- Nordstrom Warehouse Sale
SilverSparklings Necklace- c/o Runway Crush
Sunglasses- c/o Polette
Purse- c/o Pinkstix
Boyfriend Jeans- c/o Sheinside
Polka Dot Pumps- Le Chateau
Great blazer and jeans!