Why You Need A 2022 Wardrobe Wish List
Chances are, if you’re reading this blog or following my social media platforms, you’re into fashion. As we move out of 2021 and into 2022, we’re all inching to add some new pieces to our wardrobe. It seems as soon as the holidays are over, we start thinking about spring fashion. We’re so excited to see new pieces, we might start buying items we don’t actually need. Now’s the perfect time to go through your closet and make notes of the pieces you actually need. Being mindful of the items you currently have, and the pieces you have on your wish list, will help ensure you only purchase items that will add value and compliment your wardrobe.
My first tip is to get a good notebook. One that is small enough that you can easily slip into your purse when hitting the malls. Start by making a list of all the items your coveting right now, new trends you want to try, or items that need replacing. I highly suggest starting to track your clothes, if you haven’t already. Make notes of items you’re tossing (and if you want to replace them), along with new items you’re looking to invest in. Be sure to keep track of all recent purchases, with date and price, so you know how much you’re spending each month. This is a great way to know how much you’re spending on your wardrobe each month, especially if you’re looking to budget your clothing allowance.
One item that’s always on my seasonal wish-list is a new piece of jewelry or two. By building a solid foundation of jewelry basics, you’ll always have a chic and polished look, no matter the outfit or occasion. When purchasing jewelry, be sure to buy what you love, but also think of the longevity and versatility of the piece. Victoria Emerson is my go-to brand for when I want trendy, yet classic pieces. I know when I purchase an item from them, I’m getting the most out of my investment. These are tried-and-true classic pieces that I’ll be able to wear again and again. The amazing thing about the brand, is each piece goes perfectly together, allowing for the perfect building block for growing my jewelry wardrobe.
The brands iconic wrap bracelets and sparkly boho cuffs are a great way to express your unique personality. Have fun stacking them together on both sides of you arms, mixing and matching the bracelets to suit your mood and personal style. You can honestly never have too many pieces in your jewelry wardrobe. Right now, Victoria Emerson is offering up to 45% off in a variety of materials, widths and colour choices. Make a bold statement in 2022 that can be paired with everything in your closest. You can easily dress them up and down, depending on your outfit for that day.
Now, after we’re a little more organized, how do we create that perfect wish list. Frist off, forget thinking you need every colour of the rainbow to have a versatile wardrobe. Sure, having options is nice, but it can also make it more difficult to create multiple looks using the same pieces. Instead, limit your colour palettes and only pick hues that inspire you and make you feel happy. Focus on a few colours that you love and gravitate towards, and then mix in a few neutrals. This will ensure all your pieces work well together and that you will have endless possibilities in the morning.
Next, you need to think of your wardrobe as a whole. Stop buying random things, just because you see them on Instagram or in a store window. Even though you may like those pieces individually, will they work with your current style? Take the time to get to know your own personal style and what your ideal wardrobe would look like. Having a blueprint of your closet, one that, if money was no object, would look like. Create your wish list around those dream pieces, you don’t necessarily have to invest in all those pieces this week, but having an end goal and one that you can use as reference, will make shopping so much easier.
You then want to prioritize that list. Ranking the items you can’t wait to have, to pieces you’re just dreaming about. Since most of us don’t have an unlimited budget, you want to have the important items at the top. Think about the order based on cost and how often you’ll wear them. You need to figure out the cost per wear. How many outfits can you make with each item and what items will add value to your collection? This way when you’re shopping and you don’t have enough funds for everything, making the decision between certain items will be easy. Think about what you have in your closet, even though you may want a new pair of skinny jeans, is it more important than that statement blouse that you have nothing like in your closet?
You have the list, but make sure you keep it with you at all times. You never know when you’ll be out shopping. Make sure to reference it when you’re out, as this will help rein your impulses. If you see a new article of clothing that you love, but it’s not on your list.. ask yourself… do I really need it? It’s so easy to get swept up in the excitement of shopping that we come home with items that we will never wear. Although items might go on sale, and it’s tempting to save some cash, would your money be better spent on an item that’s currently on your list, but not on sale? Checking on items on your list is not only smart shopping, but once you have all your desired items, it will make getting dressed every day a breeze.