5 Things To Do When You’re Safe At Home
I try not to let myself worry about things I have no control over. Instead, I dedicate my time and energy on things I can control. I know it’s scary times, but we need to make the best out of every shitty situation. Know that yourself, your community, your country and the world we will be stronger because of it. We may not have a cure for the virus (yet), but that doesn’t mean we can’t prepare for it. If you’re fortunate to be working from home or self-isolating, use this precious time to grow and practise self-love. Instead of spreading hate online, judging people for what they are/are not going, or simply just being negative, why not take this opportunity to do something for yourself? If you are self-isolating/ quarantined and looking for something to keep your mind and body active, I hope these few simple things can help you pass the time.
Since staying in, is the new norm, we need to find creative ways to keep ourselves busy. Of course, there’s always boardgames, puzzles, Netflix and reading, but those require little to no movement, which can be damaging to our health. The truth is, we need exercise more than ever, not only for our physical health, but our mental state of mind too. Elle Woods once said, “Exercise gives you endorphins and endorphins make you happy.” So, I highly suggest getting outside, with proper precautions of course. Go for a walk, run, skip…whatever you can do to keep moving. With all this confinement, fresh air will be good for the soul, with proper precautions. You can also have a daily dance party in your kitchen or living room. Start your day with your fave playlist and jam out to your fave beats. Celebrate finishing a task or a chore with a 5-minute dance-off. End your day with mastering a new TikTok dance challenge (if you’re not on the app yet), I promise you, it will help keep you moving. Also, a lot of gyms, apps and online training studios are offering free online workouts or YouTube videos to help keep you active, so take advantage of them.
There’s no time like the present to master a new skill or earn a new certificate. A lot of programs are offering free online classes and programs. Some of the most successful people in my life, are the ones that are continuing to grow and learn. Maybe that’s learning another trade for your business, mastering the art of photoshop, web design or WordPress for your business, or even learning a new language. It could also be something as “simple” as learning the art of basic home repairs, gardening, or how to fix your car (this could save you a lot of money in the future). You could also get creative and learn how to draw, play a new instrument or even a new indoor sport like checkers, chess or ping-pong. Skillshare features hundreds (if not thousands) of educational classes and is offering new members 2 months for free. I know I’m biased on this one, but you could also start a blog. It’s important to keep your brain and mind active during these difficult times. Now’s your chance to add a new skill to your evolving resume.
If there was ever a time to add a little hope and joy in your life, it’s now. What brings the greatest deal of happiness, a new fur baby. Sure, they come with stress and chaos, but they also bring endless pleasure and pure bliss. You have plenty of time for bonding, potty training and getting them into a daily routine before you back to work. If you’ve ever owned a pet, especially a newborn, you know they will keep you active and entertained. Shelters are becoming overwhelmed and stressed, so here’s your chance to adopt or even foster a fur baby (if the finances allow).
If there’s one thing we tend to put off in life, it’s a deep clean of our home. There’s something incredibly satisfying in organizing and decluttering your home. We may not have control over the outside world, but that doesn’t mean our home can’t be sparkling clean. Start by tossing everything that doesn’t “spark joy”… listen to the Queen herself, Marie Kondo, having a clean home will help you live a stress-free life. Focus on parts of the home that may not get much attention during the week. The light fixtures, blinds, baseboards, door frames, junk drawers and even the closets. We all have that chair in the house, where clothes that are too dirty for the closet go, but too clean for the laundry, go to die.
If you know me at all, you know I’m a disaster in the kitchen. Derek is the master chef in this house, but every once in awhile, we like to bake. Putting sprinkles on top of a cupcake is extremely satisfying, and it’s a sure way to brighten even the gloomiest day. Getting creative and baking sweet treats not only fills your home with a delicious aroma, but it’s sure to put a smile on your face. Get wild with the decorations, the more colours and sprinkles the better.
What are you doing to keep busy at home?