How to deal with a bad haircut
For some, the anticipation of getting a new haircut is unsettling. Scared that the hairstylist will get a little scissor happy and take off too much, leaving you with an awful haircut and a bad hair day (or weeks). Derek’s worst nightmare came true a few days ago. Unable to get into her normal hairdresser, he settled on getting a trim from a stylist in the mall. Even though I told him to wait, as this is something I’ve experienced the last time my amazing hairstylist of 15 years went on holidays. Derek went in for a trim and ended up with this awful haircut you see below. I’m not even sure how this happened? He told the stylist to only take of a small amount off and to keep the same style he currently has. I guess she just wanted to do whatever the hell she wanted and now he looks like he’s ready to join the army. A bad haircut can break your self-confidence and bring anxiety, but luckily for men, its short, it grows back fairy quickly and they can always put on a hat.
Tee- Joe Fresh
Sunnie- D&G
Shirt- c/o East Dane
White Jeans- American Eagle
Shoes- Spring
Wow! I hope he didn’t tip her. I had a similar incident many years ago. My hairdresser broke her arm and they did not bother to call me. When I came for my appointment, they told me about it and said that “Jules” would be cutting my hair. He scalped me, after me saying not to take too much off because I had a perm schedules for 3 weeks later. It was 4 months before I got the perm.
Haha, he did tip her, we always tip, no matter how awful the service. I really do hate it when they don’t listen to us, I know its only hair, but still… we’re paying