Loss of an uncle
These beautiful blue suede shoes are almost fitting for today, as I feel blue. I got shocking news today that instantly brought tears to my eyes. My amazing, hilarious and one of a kind uncle passed away, after a round of golf, which was his true passion (besides his wife and family), of a massive heart attack. Like all deaths, it was so unexpected and I still can’t believe it. I’m happy that his last memories were of something he loved. He had a special role in my life, not exactly my father, but a true friend and supported in everything I did. He was crazy, loud and weird, just like me. I have endless amounts of wonderful memories of him that I will cherish forever. We had a special connection that can only belong to an uncle and niece. I will miss him today, tomorrow and for the rest of my life.
What I Wore
Tee- Smart Set
Blazer- Lauren Conrad
Purse- Smart Set
Bracelet- c/o See Song Designs
Watch- Caravelle New York
Pants- Smart Set
Skull Shoe Clips- c/o Shoelery
Shoes- Wal Mart