After a week of bouncing back and forth, and pretty much taking a break from both platforms, I want to ask you….. Snapchat or Instagram stories?
I was late to the snapchat trend, although it was released in 2011, I only hopped on board last summer. That being said, I love that it’s the OG and the fact that I can take pictures and videos, add text to them, the odd filter, and send them to both my personal friends, or share them straight to my story for everyone to see. I kinda hate that once I open a snap, I only have 10 seconds to view it before it’s gone for good. Sometimes I’m half asleep or in the middle of multi-tasking and I miss the entire snap. I also have a hard time finding new people, which is probably why I’ve been following the same people for over a year. Adding friends off other social media platforms is a pain, one wrong letter in their screen name and you won’t be able to find them.
Now, onto Instagram. I hate the fact they stole the entire idea (without even trying to make it different), but love that I don’t have to bounce back and forth between apps. Instagram is my favourite social media platform and the one I’m most addicted to and check the most often. Also my engagement rates are insanely higher on Instagram than snapchat, probably because I have more “followers”? Although Instagram has always been a photo-dominant, curated, staged, almost “fake” platform, this new video story option gives a more “real-life” experience to their audience (which I love).
I am still undecided on the snap chat vs Instagram debate, cute look though
I am still 100% pro snapchat. I find that I don’t even watch the Instagram stories because I have way too many people who I follow and can’t be bothered spending the time to watch. I also hate how they stole the idea. And as a person who follows people on both platforms, it’s actually kind of annoying seeing basically the same story from one platform to the next! Side note, you can watch snapchats over again for up to 24 hours. They are in the list down below the recent snaps :)