Ladies, I found a new online shopping site that offers high quality, super trendy clothing pieces from independent designers that allow them to bring the world of fashion right to your fingertips. I love the entire concept and idea behind StyleWe, not only does it introduce the consumer to new designers, especially new designers that you may not be familiar with, but it also gives the designers a platform to build and grow their business and brand. It’s a win win for everyone. I instantly fell in love with NEDO Blue Buttoned Stripes Short Sleeve Midi Dress with Belt, but sad to say, they forgot the belt on mine hehe oops. Either way, it’s super cute, lightweight and perfect for summer. NEDO uses classical prints and colorful visual effects to highlight the beauty of a modern girl, and this form fitting dress instantly brought out the beautiful lady in me.
What I Wore- Fedora- Billabong, Sunglasses- c/o FYSH UK, Dress- c/o StyleWe, Purse- c/o Le Chateau, Watch- c/o Wittnauer, Bracelet- c/o Le Chateau, Heels- c/o Nine West