Dr. Drew Smith
I can’t believe I just popped in my 18th Invisalign trays. That means it’s already been 4 ½ months. You can see my first post on what to expect your with week with Invisalign here and my experience with living with Invisalign here. At first, I was a little worried about how much discomfort I’d have daily or how painful it would be every time I replaced a new tray. I was also concerned about how easily the trays were to pop in and out, especially when I’m out in public for dinner or at a friend’s house enjoying delicious food. It’s incredibly important to take out your trays every time you eat, but remember to keep them in for at least 22 hours a day. It’s also recommended to not drink anything while you have your trays in.
So far, I can honestly say, I haven’t experienced any pain whatsoever. It’s extremely comfortable to wear and for the most part, I forget I even have them in. I know some people experience a lisp with them, but mine disappeared within a few short days. Probably because I talk way too much? Speaking of talking, I feel completely comfortable in them. I’m not afraid to smile wide or talk with them in when I’m out in public. I know with traditional braces you might feel awkward or self-conscious, but with these invisible trays, no one hardly ever notices. It’s completely painless, for the most part. Each Monday, I switch out a tray for a new one. The first few hours following that, I sometimes experience a little tenderness. It doesn’t ache or throb, but you can feel it’s a little tight and snug. By day 2, it’s completely comfortable again.
I guess the one thing I find annoying, over traditional braces, is the fact that you must have them in 22 hours a day. That only allows 2 hours of eating time. Although that seems like plenty of time, it really isn’t. I’m a huge snack-er when it comes to food. I tend to eat about 6 times a day. 3 main meals and 3 little snacks. Broken down, that’s only 20 minutes a meal. I’m also incredibly slow. I could spend upward of 40 minutes eating a single meal. Truthfully, there are days when my trays are probably out for longer? My doctor isn’t going to want to hear that. I also enjoy caffeine, so if I took them out every time I took a sip of coffee or soda, I’d be in trouble. I tend to keep my trays in while sipping, I just make sure to brush my teeth immediately afterwards.
The number one question I’ve been asked is, how did I choose my ortho provider. I highly recommend doing your research and taking advantage of their consultation. Don’t just decide on the first one you go to. It’s always nice to get a second (or third) opinion. Find someone you feel extremely comfortable with, after all, you’ll be seeing them a few times a year (for years). Of course, if you’re in the London or surrounding area, I highly recommend Dr. Drew Smith.
Immediately after my first appointment, I could tell Dr. Smith was the perfect fit for me. He showed a ton of passion and interest on how he could create a perfect smile for me. He’s been incredible throughout my entire treatment. He was the first doctor that actually showed he cared about the outcome and my wants and needs. He wasn’t there to just sell me a service. He took the time to ask what my concerns were and what my expectations were. He showed enthusiasm from the start and excitement over my current results. I can tell he’s genuinely excited about my results and progress.
I honestly didn’t think I’d see this strong of results after only 18 trays (18 weeks). My bite has always been off and now it’s almost completely perfect. My canine teeth have moved down significantly and my teeth just look overall more straightened. I can’t believe how quickly my teeth have shifted in such a short amount of time. I don’t know if it’s the fact that the trays protect my teeth upward of 22 hours a day, or the fact that I’m brushing my teeth more frequently, but my teeth appear 10 times whiter. I’m excited to see where the next few months take me. If you have any more questions, feel free to reach out to me.