Is Facebook a thing of the past?
I just heard that Facebook may lose 80% of their user base between 2015 and 2017. For someone who used to check and up-date her page, daily, is now lucky if she checks it a few times a month (and only for a few minutes at a time), can totally see Facebook being obsolete within a year or two. Between silly daily up-dates, 40 unedited photos of the same item/ person, spammed by useless ads, negative gossip and my favourite, thousands of stupid game invites, has me thinking enough is enough. Although I haven’t really been on Facebook for over 2 years now, the constant flow of unusable info makes it almost impossible to get caught up (unless you’re on it hours a day). Happy to hear I’m not the only one that dislikes it so much.
What will it be replaced with/ already is…. Instagram of course. I’ve been kinda obsessed with it for the past two years, which is probably why I’m never on Facebook anymore. Follow the people you want to follow, without hurting anyone’s feeling and all with better quality photos. Yep, people actually take the time to get that perfect photo, take time to edit their pictures, to make them look their best, and only short sentences/ captions explaining what the picture is about. Best part, most people only post a few pictures a day, meaning even if you follow 500+ people, you’ll be able to sift through it and stay up-to-date fairly easily.
To my lovely friends on Facebook, I of course still want to see what you’ve been up to, so if you’re on Instagram (which you all need to be hehe), leave your screen name below so I can be sure to follow you. Also you can follow my daily adventures if you’re interested here CanadianFashionista1
What I Wore
Heart Sweater- H&M
Jacket- c/o Eleven Elfs
Bracelet- c/o Cocoa Jewelry
Purse- Kate Spade
Waxed Jeans- Joe Fresh
Animal Print Booties- Nine West
Ha, we’ve been saying this at work for a year. And as soon as FB bought Instagram, we knew things were changing. Now if only I could convince my clients to move their money to another platform…
I am still holding out hope that Google+ happens but it’s doubtful.
I’m on Google+ but I don’t really get it hehe I’m still new at it. People really don’t like change, we need to force people to try new things.
Interesting thoughts Amber! I agree with you on it becoming obsolete, maybe it will evolve into something a bit cleaner? I do like it for discovering articles though! Check out my insta at @Bryanna_Brown! :)
FB has its ups and downs. I really just don’t like all the ads, join this and join that apps, game invites, I just find it almost impossible to keep up with my daily feed.
Took me ages to even join Facebook now I’m on there constantly. Rarely use Instagram but if what you say happens I wont have much choice….
Oh sweetie, you need to get on Instagram, you’ll love it! So many beautiful pictures to look at.