It’s time for part two of my Green Living Giveaway. Over the course of the next few weeks, in preparation of The 2015 The Green Living Show, being held at The Metro Toronto Convention Centre from March 27-29, 2015, I’ll be testing out some green and eco-friendly products from some of the vendors that will be at the show. Of course, I want you to go green with me, so I’ll be hosting 4 contests to give you the chance to win some of these amazing products. You can see my AspenClean Giveaway here. This year there will be over 400 exhibitors representing the latest in innovative products, the best in local and organic food, eco-fashion, natural beauty, fitness, hybrid and electrical vehicles and more.
For someone, like myself, just starting to get into the organic and health conscious world, the health food store isle can be an extremely overwhelming experience. Not knowing what to pick up, which flavours to try, which detox products are best, it can be a daunting task. welliBOX is a subscription service that will deliver to you 5 to 10 high quality samples right to your door each month. For as little as $10 a month, you can experience new and unique businesses from across Canada, saving you time and money at the grocery store. Now you can buy the items you like, without the guesswork if you’re going to like it or not. It’s also a great way to sample new brands you would normally skip over in stores.
For someone who doesn’t cook and can barely boil water, Soup Girl prepackaged soups are genius. Soup Girl offers an array of 7 dry soup medleys, including Spicy Coconut Lentil, Curried Cashew, Smoky Split Pea, Italian Rice & Lentil, Caribbean Rice n’ Peas Soup, The Detox Soup and the new Moroccan Lentil Soup. All are delicious, natural and are bursting with flavours thanks to their unique blend of spices and herbs. These are perfect for those with a busy lifestyle as all you have to do is combine the jar’s content with 8 cups of water, bring to a boil, cover, reduce heat and let simmer till lentils/ peas are tender. It couldn’t be easier.
Enter my welliBOX Giveaway using the Rafflecopter form below. You have until March 21, 2015 to enter, but you must be able to claim your prize at the Green Living Show. One lucky winner will win a welliBOX, along with 4 passes to The 2015 Green Living Show and 4 passes to the 2015 Yoga Show.
I saw these soups at The Detox Market in Toronto. The Lentil sounds amazing
The Detox Soup sounds interesting
The Curried Cashew would be my favourite!
Spicy Coconut Lentil
Lentil soup is definitely my favourite!
I’m that person who asks in every place they go what the soup of the day is even in the summer. I love soup so darn much, but Italian wedding is my must have soup.
I have made these type of soups in a jar as xmas gifts before, they are a great idea but take so much work to put together, buying them looks much nicer too.
Hahahaha I’m the same it could be dead of summer, I’ll go for the soup anyways! Great giveaway idea xo
Angie – WhippedGreenGirl.com
Spicy Coconut Lentil sounds delicious!
Lentil soup is my favourite.
The Detox soup sounds cool!